FDS Support Group Evaluation 2013-14 - page 14

FDS Support Groups Evaluation 2014.
FDS Support Groups can help families to care better for themselves in a number of
ways. In the first instance, attending the support group is something they family
members for themselves: “
It’s not about them, it’s not about the drug use, it’s
something we do for us.”
Group leaders and other group participants also remind each
other to take care of themselves, and to do things that they enjoy: “
we were reminded
that we were entitled to have a life, we were entitled to be happy
Self care and psychological health are also reportedly improved as family members
learn how to cope more effectively with the drug use, as these comments show:
‘It doesn’t stop the problem but it give you the tools to get your own life together.”
“Implementing the strategy, learned in the support group and at Stepping Stones has
transformed our levels of anxiety and ensured that my husband and I can work more
effectively, as a team.”
“I enjoy coming to FDS it is a place where one can talk freely about the program and
helps me to try and get on with life.”
Mutual support
It may be the club that no-one want to belong to, but it is also the best club in town”
said one mother of a son with long term methamphetamine abuse. The support
provided by families to each other and by the group leader, was a very strong theme
from the interviews. Participants spoke of feeling a great warmth and support from
the other members. Regulars ask after each other’s children or partners, have social
events, and even bake cakes to share. When new to the group, everyone found the
experience very welcoming and accepting. The following comments show the value
of mutual support to the participants:
“I am new to the group but so far found the support just hearing other stories helps to
put things in perspective and gives strength to deal with family issues.”
We all support each other, we can say what we’ve been through and help each other
We talk the same language. There is a camaraderie and feeling of security: you are
not alone.”
“It’s lovely. We’re a tight knit community.”
“The support groups are amazing. The advice you get, the feeling of belonging and
the knowledge that you're not alone in this journey is so helpful in building resilience
in this difficult time.”
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